
Friday, April 10, 2009

Inclined Bed Therapy has been shown to quickly reduce blood pressure from long standing dangerous levels.
If you intend to try this for blood pressure, would you be so kind as to post your readings as they change over a 4 week period?
A number of people over the years have provided BP statistics using IBT and it has been very useful to show how quickly this can change.
High blood pressure can be attributed to diet also, but more importantly it can be attributed to prolonged poor posture, for example. Prolonged use of a wheelchair or sitting at a computer for too long. Or even standing in position for too long. This all boils down to another pressure exerted on the skin and muscle tissue at the pressure points. Little attention has been given to this obvious fact.
For example, sitting on a toilet seat for too long would apply pressure to the backs of the thighs, this would compress the muscle and tissue around the veins and arteries narrowing the diameter of the vessels. The heart will continue to provide the same output and the pressure would then back up slightly at the compression points. The same applies to the soles and heels of the feet. These fluid filled cushions require pressure relief in order to allow the blood pressure to operate normally. Lifting one foot off the ground while walking releases the constriction on the vessels and the next time it is placed on the ground, the compression helps the blood to flow. Almost the same as the way the heart functions. Imagine pumping air with a foot pump into a flat car tyre. Each time we compress the pump air moves into the tyre. Yet the same must also apply to the fluids in the foot. For every action there must be an opposite and equal reaction.
I have a puzzle regarding blood pressure and IBT. Husband has high blood pressure, wife has low blood pressure, both are resolved over 4 weeks. Not been able to work out how or why this should happen, but it has happened several times now with different couples sharing the same bed.
I advise drinking additional water for all people using IBT. This is because IBT has a diuretic effect due to improved renal function and additional evaporation from the body because the body temperature is warmer compared to when a person sleeps flat. Except in heat stress environments such as a hot bedroom that used to cause a person to sweat profusely. Here the body, while remaining comfortably warmer, does not overheat. Logically the heat must be distributed around the body more evenly and metabolism must be continuing at a higher rate during the night.
Some reports: On youtube about IBT, which again shows how effective this simple therapy is.

oldsharkie (13 hours ago) )
My wife and I have been sleeping on an inclined bed (8 inches)about 22 months. During this time my blood pressure has dropped from 160/90 to 130/65 (Ave) with the same dose of 50 mg Atenolol. I no longer snore nor have sleep apnea attacks. After many years of taking Flonase for sinusitis I discontinued the medication 6 months ago with little or no sinus problems now. Night time urination has decreased from half dozen times to once a night. I am 82.
Karen posted her stats on this thread along with photographs of swollen legs.
Andrew K Fletcher
Hero Member

Posts: 1929
United Kingdom
KIS Keep It Simple

MessageID: 137170
03/11/2007 19:01:51 »

Just in case anyone thinks this change in blood pressure is luck and merely a chance event. I have included one previous case history from a man paralysed in 1977 with a comple cord injury.

Inclined bed far

I have been using Andrew K. Fletcher's theory of the inclined bed for a week now and we are still encouraged by what we are seeing. My skin tone continues to look good and my blood pressure fluctuations are not as severe. These fluctuations ranged from as high as 232 to a low of 39 systolic and as high as 124 to a low of 26 diastolic prior to the study.

There has been little or no swelling in my legs or feet. Two sores on my right foot, that have been there approximately a month, are healing up nicely.

It hasn't been easy. I have had a few rough times but overall, so far, we have had positive and encouraging results.

I will continue to post more results as they happen.


I have been using the inclined bed for 8 weeks now. I have had no swelling in my arms or legs. My skin tone remains very good. Have had noticeable muscle tone in my legs. I am unable to get out of bed because of 2 dislocated hips and have experienced increased pain over the period of this study. I do not have surface sensitivity but I have had an increased sensation in my internal abdominal area. As I mentioned before, my blood pressure was very erratic but since starting the study it has begun to stabilize. Here is a sample of my blood pressures from the week of 7/8 to 7/14. These are daily averages compiled from all BPs recorded that week:7/8

82/55 Week 7/9 98/66 Week 7/10 98/60 Week 7/11 96/61 Week 7/12 103/67 Week 7/13 94/61 Week 7/14 101/64 Although my diastolic still does, at times, dip into the high 30s and low 40s. This is a dramatic and a much welcomed improvement. I had intended to post more recent updates but was discouraged by all of the negative response and scepticism. I am a C3-C4 quad since 1977 and if there is anyone that should be sceptical about this theory, it should be me. All of Andrew's critics want scientific proof of one thing or another. Not all medications and/or therapies work for all people. If that were not so, then no one would suffer. John

It's been 10 weeks on the incline now and we are beginning to see more changes.I am experiencing greater sensitivity in my biceps. I previously had slight sensation in my left bicep and none in my right bicep. After a few tests, I was able to feel the cold of an ice cube for the first time since the accident in 1977 (although, I was unable to detect heat). Also, tested with dull and sharp objects and was able to distinguish between the two. I am sleeping much better and longer at night. Blood pressures are remaining much more stable. Pain levels have increased but with pain medication, they are tolerable.

Posts: 9 Well it's been 3 months since starting this study and we are very encouraged. We are seeing even more changes. I can now feel from my shoulders to my biceps. Although, it is not a full, normal sensation. The surface sensitivity is about 75% now. My sensitivity has moved from 3 inches above the nipple line to just below the nipples. There is a small area in the middle of my back that I can feel pressure when pressed upon.We have also noticed an increase in body hair. My pain level has remained the same. Most days I can get away with taking minimal pain medication. John

Date of injury May 22, 1977 Level of injury C3-C4
There are many more reports following similar patterns.. All I can say is tilt your bed and give it a try, consult your doctor first and advise him what you are about to try

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