
Thursday, April 08, 2010

Foreverspring's Personal Journey Through Multiple Sclerosis Using Inclined Bed Therapy

A 67 years young lady with multiple sclerosis took part in a simple study to determine what would happen to her symptoms if she avoided sleeping flat for 1 year by raising the head of her bed to provide a five degree angle, sloping down from head to toe. This is known as Inclined Bed Therapy or IBT.

Her progress reports from Thisisms forum here: and elsewhere, have been pulled together in one coherent page, for ease of following in the New IBT Tracking Forum.

If it were just one person's experience it could be considered a coincidence
2-3 people with ms reporting these improvements may even be shrugged off as a placebo.

But 17 years of feedback, 2 previous pilot studies and now these reports from the final study, not only confirming those previous results but proving beyond any shadow of doubt that all circulation, including the circulation in the nervous system requires the constant pull of gravity from head to toe to not only maintain it and help prevent damage but to assist the body to repair the damage that occurs in multiple sclerosis and many other medical conditions.

Foreverspring's journey is quite remarkable and by no means an isolated case.

in reference to: Multiple Sclerosis (MS) (CCSVI) Tracking Forum (view on Google Sidewiki)


Anonymous said...

Hi Andrew,
I have just found your site and have slept my first night with a slightly inclined bed. I have varicose veins and I immediately noticed as I was lying there that my legs were tingling as if I had done 45-mins worth of exercise. My hear was also beating faster than normal(!). I will endeavour to take photos of my legs and mark any changes in them over the next four weeks.
Thank you so much for the effort you are putting into this,
Carole (from Wales, but now resident in Germany)

Unknown said...

Hi Carole

Elevate the head end of the bed about 4 inches to begin with, then raise to six inches or more when you feel comfortable to do so.

Please post your updates in the varicose veins forum on my website:

It's quiet there for now but things are going to hot up when IBT gets published in New Pathways Magazine for people with ms.

The tingling is a normal reaction to the circulation boost.

Your heart rate, while you are sleeping will be 10-12 beats per minute lower on IBT than sleeping flat. ON IBT you can manually slow down the heart rate by counting to five seconds after exhaling. This also works with asthma attacks and panic attacks :)